Sunday, March 28, 2010

Laptop for the mid-terms

Just wondering, does "open book, open notes" mean we can bring our laptop, as long as we disable the wireless?


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Reviewing topics covered

Here is a hint: For each class, along with the audio links, I had put a reasonably verbose description of topics covered in that class. If you read those descriptions, that should give you a "summary/review" of what happened.

For example, here is the description of what happened in Lecture 10--directly from the notes page

L10 Audio of [Feb 18, 2010] (***THE ADVANCED LSI LECTURE***) Lengthy recap of LSI analysis; discussion of class blog questions; discussion of relation between LSI and feature selection (feature selection looks for just subspaces of existing space); LSI and LDA (LDA takes the "class" information into account LSI doesn't know what classification you might be attempting); LSI and nonlinear dimensionality reduction (one idea is to first blow up the dimensionality and then find a lower-dimensional hyperplane in this blown up space. So, you might go from 20-D to 300-D and come down to 4-D).

solutions to homework 3 posted

The solutions to homework 3 are posted and are available at

(I didn't put up separate solutions for the google paper, but gave a link to a class discussion from an earlier offering on that paper).


Thursday, March 25, 2010

voice of people is voice of dog

We will go with the majority opinion re: midterm.


"decisions are made by those who show up"...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Re: (*Correction*) Important: Schedule for midterm

Yes, you are right. I changed the URL in the homework problem.


On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 10:02 AM, Kimberly  wrote:
Professor Rao,

On part 2 of question 3 on the homework the website listed doesn't work. I think that it is:

-Kim Bontrager

On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 8:54 PM, Subbarao Kambhampati <> wrote:

[[Looks like I was not looking at the calendar carefully when I typed this mail--it would be reasonably hard for me to survive your collective ire if
you have to  come back in the middle of your  spring-break revelry to submit the homework. So here are the new dates:

Homework 3 due: 25th March
Exam:  30th March
Project part 2 Due date:  *shifted* to 6th April

Looking ahead, project part 3 will be due by 4th May, the last class, and will have to be demonstrated to the TA in that week.


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Dr. Rao : Think Cap!...

Dear Dr. Rao

In page rank can we make a node as sink that is having "n" inbound links but one outbound link to itself?
What is A+Z matrix for that?
I figured out that If there is any node with only one link to itself then we have to omit 1 in the column of A corresponding to that node.

But in Hub/Auth we can't omit that 1.

In page rank we have to omit that 1 otherwise A+Z will not be a stochastic matrix.
Page rank is independent of self links.

Is my inference correct?

Friday, March 12, 2010

(*Correction*) Important: Schedule for midterm

[[Looks like I was not looking at the calendar carefully when I typed this mail--it would be reasonably hard for me to survive your collective ire if
you have to  come back in the middle of your  spring-break revelry to submit the homework. So here are the new dates:

Homework 3 due: 25th March
Exam:  30th March
Project part 2 Due date:  *shifted* to 6th April

Looking ahead, project part 3 will be due by 4th May, the last class, and will have to be demonstrated to the TA in that week.


Important: Schedule for midterm


 We will have mid-term on 25th March. All the topics we have covered until spring-break (i.e, including social networks), will be on midterm.

An example midterm can be found at

Homework 3 will be due on 18th March.  I have added a question on social networks to the homework.
(Please note that the graded homework 3 may not be available by the time of the exam; solutions will however be posted)

Please let me know if you have any questions/concerns.


Points adjustments for 'algorithm description' for Project Part 1

Hi everyone,
  A couple of you have expressed concerns about the points you lost on the 'algorithm description' part of the project 1. I am persuaded that perhaps the problem specification was not clear enough in specifying what is required. Since others may also have lost points on this part, I would like to make class-wide amends.
  If you are one of the students whose project code was working, but did not get full points on the algorithm description part of the project, please contact me with your project so I can adjust your points.



PS: The project part 2 has been updated with a section that tells you how many points each task of the project is worth.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Project Part 1 - sample output

Some of you wanted to verify whether the output of your code was correct. Here are some sample outputs that I got, and my assumptions. If you used different assumptions, you would get different results, but it doesn't mean that your results are wrong.

TF value is not normalized
IDF value is not normalized
in the TF-based similarity, all query words are given equal weight
in the TF-IDF based similarity, the query words are weight by IDF alone, not (0.5 + 0.5*tf)*idf [slide 62]

TF-based similarity

query> fall semester
[22932]result3/ 0.3900947488027469
[22978]result3/ 0.28127197523150593
[3765]result3/ 0.27980420556019375
[14669]result3/ 0.2644429426739725
[22980]result3/ 0.25993762245501817
[871]result3/ 0.2434322477800738
[991]result3/ 0.23947373603569988
[1894]result3/ 0.23416772415725648

query> transcripts
[22956]result3/ 0.3460520089727601
[1055]result3/ 0.26490647141300877
[4145]result3/ 0.10283867552865913
[3930]result3/ 0.10173145278829236
[16633]result3/ 0.09531918345647832
[3871]result3/ 0.08987062325802277
[22928]result3/ 0.08728715609439695

query> admissions
[3759]result3/ 0.4375949744936837
[3758]result3/ 0.41178049395232924
[964]result3/ 0.35909242322980395
[962]result3/ 0.33409177193234335
[936]result3/ 0.31983816366946766
[22446]result3/ 0.30983866769659335
[935]result3/ 0.2950148263727627
[937]result3/ 0.28966206101082875

TF-IDF based similarity:

query> fall semester
[22932]result3/ 0.4359373503377644
[14669]result3/ 0.2871305669297931
[991]result3/ 0.27532125556740966
[22978]result3/ 0.26913921652871753
[22980]result3/ 0.2601997953589357
[3765]result3/ 0.24906102399484592

query> admissions
[3758]result3/ 0.5744080507440753
[938]result3/ 0.5031740605651273
[964]result3/ 0.43059540671762864
[936]result3/ 0.4172350134375292
[963]result3/ 0.40879880279063435
[962]result3/ 0.38631455298928125
[3759]result3/ 0.38614177431456176
[937]result3/ 0.38147065345148296

query> transcripts
[22956]result3/ 0.5123337680008732
[1055]result3/ 0.47577601236762335
[3930]result3/ 0.18180264245956912
[3871]result3/ 0.15646994303347006
[1051]result3/ 0.1554359618428368
[3834]result3/ 0.14754024695739043

Thanks and Regards,
Sushovan De

Regarding project part 1 specimen/solution code...

Some of you have asked for "specimen" code for project part 1 (to see how yours compares..)

Separately, some others have wondered how their inability to complete project part 1 fully  is going to affect their project grade.
I had informed this later group that since the project is a cascaded one, as long as all the parts work by the final (i.e., part 3) deadline, and can be demonstrated to the TA, they will get (partial) credit for any earlier incomplete efforts.

Given this, we cannot post the "specimen code" for the entire class. If you would rather get the part 1 code so you can extend it to part 2 (and have no intentions of claiming partial credit later for part 1), please let us know and we can deal with that on a case-by-case basis.

Hope this clarification helps.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

ONN on Google opt-out feature

Here is the video I mentioned ;-)


aardvark paper

is available on the readings for the social networks part of the course..

You can also get some more current gossip about it at


Attempts to finitize my bacon number

So one of the hardy souls that took part in the class survey wondered if it is possible to get "videos" of the lectures (since apparently audios are not
giving the full color picture as it were).

Now, I have always been a fan of full class automation (as ably depicted in this Real Genius scene (start at 3min 10sec) ).

So, I got one of 'em flip video recorders--and with the able cinematography our own Abbas(i Kiarostami ;-) got the lecture recorded today. They are available online on the notes page. Let me know if you find them useful. (Since I haven't yet figured out how to stream them, you are currently limited to downloading them).


ps: Since I acted as an instructor in a class where Kevin Bacon appeared on one of the slides, I am hoping this will bump my bacon number..

The talk on network robustness I mentioned... Fwd: UPDATE: Seminar: Robust Performance of Networked Systems in Adverse and Uncertain Environments: March 8, 2010: 3:00pm - 4:00pm

You can go to this talk on Monday, and learn more basis stuff about the talk on Tu/Th


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Audrey Avant <>
Date: Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 10:40 AM
Subject: UPDATE: Seminar: Robust Performance of Networked Systems in Adverse and Uncertain Environments: March 8, 2010: 3:00pm - 4:00pm

Please note change in time (3:00pm – 4:00pm).

Thank you~



PO Box 878809

Tempe, AZ   85287-8809

Ph:   480.965.3190

FAX: 480.965.



Robust Performance of Networked Systems in Adverse and Uncertain Environments

Monday, March 8, 2010

3:00pm – 4:00pm



Dr. Vladimir L. Boginski

University of Florida Research and Engineering Education Facility (UF-REEF), Shalimar, FL





Networked systems (e.g., communication/sensor networks) play a crucial role in many military and civilian tasks nowadays. Clearly, robust and efficient design and functionality of these networked systems would provide superior capabilities in collecting, processing, and communicating various types of information between system components. We address the aspects of robust performance of communication/sensor networks and other types of networks in terms of designing and identifying robust networks clusters. The important task that needs to be addressed is the ability to adequately respond to potential disruption/failure threats that may affect the efficiency of networked systems. These threats may be of various origins (e.g., enemy attacks); moreover, they are often uncertain by nature. We attempt to identify robust optimal strategies that take into account these factors and ensure the overall efficiency of networked systems under these conditions.




Dr. Vladimir L. Boginski is a faculty member at the University of Florida Research and Engineering Education Facility (UF-REEF) located in Shalimar, FL. He holds a PhD degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering from the University of Florida (Gainesville, FL). He has conducted a number of research projects in the areas of network-based modeling and optimization, as well as data mining applications. His areas of interest are rather diverse. He has successfully conducted research in network-based modeling and optimization in communication/sensor networks, biological networks, financial markets, and social/collaboration networks, as well as predictive modeling data mining techniques in medicine, biochemistry, and military applications. His current research emphasis (in collaboration with the Air Force Research Laboratory) is on addressing uncertainty and robustness issues in the performance of networked systems by taking into account possible component failures, and developing optimal strategies for minimizing the negative impacts of these factors. His research has been sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense (AFRL/AFOSR, DTRA), the U.S.

Department of Energy, and the National Science Foundation. He is also a recent recipient of the DTRA Young Investigator Award.


Contact Arunabha Sen ( for any questions you may have or if you'd like to schedule a meeting with Dr. Boginski.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Project part 2 assigned...

It is available from the projects link of the class page  (and also directly at )

Note that this will be due at the end of the month.


Homework 3 socket opened...

I put a question on page rank and A/H computation in the homework 3. You might want to do them while the discussion is fresh in your minds..


Monday, March 1, 2010

Text of the 494/598 feedback comments

is available, unedited,  at

Although the comments are meant for me, I thought it would be useful for you to know how representative/unrepresentative your concerns are in comparison to the rest of your peers.
